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March 26 / 1:00 - 2:00PM (CET)

Exploring Brazil's Mineral Wealth: Key Trends and Opportunities

The German Mining & Resources Network invites you to the next webinar of its Digital Roadshow. Our next stop is South America! On March 26th at 13:00 CET, join us as we explore Brasil's mineral wealth.

Brazil is he world largest provider of niobium, roughly 90% of all EU’s imports is being supplied by Brazil. However, the country is boasting many more riches, especially in the sector for electronics, such as mangan, tin, copper or gold. In addition, Brazil is offering potentials lithium, graphite, rare earths or other materials required for EVs and the energy transition. 

As one of Germany’s key trading partners in the region and the completion of the formal trade negotiations between the EU and Mercosur, Brazil importance in trade, raw materials and resilient and sustainable supply chains is poised to grow ever more important. 

Join us on this journey along with representatives of the Competence Centre for Raw Materials at the AHK Brasil. We look forward to your interest and questions!

The event language is English. Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.

Please register by March 25th 23:30 CET.
After that, you will receive a confirmation email with the dial-in link.

If you have any questions, please contact us via

We look forward to your participation!


Housekeeping & Introduction of speakers

Phillip Flore 
Director Supply Chain Diversification (DIHK)

Herwig Marbler

Project Manager International Raw Materials Activities

German Raw Materials Agency (DERA) 


Gloria Rose 
Director Brazil 
Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI)



You may ask questions throughout the entire event in the chat, as well as address them to the speakers during the Q&A session.

The network supports German companies with questions about raw material security and supply, searching for projects and business partners, as well as market entry. The network is coordinated by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK).

The network is politically and financially supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). 

In partnership